October 2024 – Grazing use
Sheep are currently grazing our site, based on previous years we can expect them to be there until December.
Sheep are currently grazing our site, based on previous years we can expect them to be there until December.
Note that we are within the Red Arrows flight restriction zone for the Shrivenham display on 18 July 2024. No flying is permitted at our site on the morning of 18 July N.B. The mast is used as a turning point and they pass over our field very low, well within our normal flying space. Also… Read More »
Sheep are currently grazing on the field, hopefully only for a short period!
We have been advised by the farm that sheep will be grazing on the field during September/October 2023.
As for the Jubilee in 2022, our site falls under restrictions for the Coronation flypast on 6th May 2023. We are not permitted to fly between 13:20 and 14:00. Full details are in https://nats-uk.ead-it.com/cms-nats/export/sites/default/en/Publications/Aeronautical-Information-Circulars-AICs/white-aics/EG_Circ_2023_M_024_en.pdf
Club membership renewals are now open via the BMFA membership system. https://bmfa.justgo.com
Following the move to tiered restrictions, flying may resume at our site subject to social distancing and other covid-secure requirements, see BMFA advice here https://bmfa.org/News/News-Page/ArticleID/2699/Covid-19-Regulations-Update-27-11-20-England-Northern-Ireland
In line with BMFA guidance, no flying is possible from 5th Nov until restrictions end. See https://bmfa.org/News/News-Page/ArticleID/2694/Latest-Covid-19-restrictions-and-model-aircraft-flying-2-11-2020
Following the Government’s update on 22/9/20; NHS QR codes and ‘hands, face, space’ signs have been put in place along with 2m spacing indicators in the pits. Please follow the ‘turn up, fly, go home’ advice and do not use the field for socialising.
With the relaxation of lockdown restrictions from 13th May 2020, access to the field will be possible again. Please avoid Friday mornings as this is reserved for field maintenance.